lunedì 31 marzo 2014

Story of - My mum & Michelangelo.

Florence is a place that takes you back in time, fullstop.

Going to Florence with my mum there's only talk about Michelangelo and his difficult temper - and his genius - and his techniques - and of his sculptures of women that look like men. She is in love with his work, and it shouldn't be otherwise!

Seeing this city from above you can really understand how much they had and still have to give to humanity, everything from the natural surroundings to the way the "cupula" of the duomo "Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore" tries to reach to the heavens, and the way the tower from "Palazzo Vecchio" is right there with it.

This time our trip did not include going into galleries, but walking around taking as much in as possibile from the architecture and people walking around.

We visited, thought, for the first time the "Museo Galileo", wonderful place for kids and adults alike! 

martedì 4 marzo 2014

my favorite places on earth - Brunalleschi chapel.

Othervise known as Pazzi Chapel, it is located next to the Basilica di Santa Croce in Florence.

From wikipedia :
Pazzi were a noble Tuscan family, particularly notable in the medieval and Renaissance periods. In 1342 they gave up their titles of nobility so that members could be elected to public office. Their main trade during the 15th century was banking. Members of the family were in the Pazzi conspiracy to assassinate Giuliano de' Medici and his brother Lorenzo de' Medici on 26 April 1478. Andrea de' Pazzi was the patron of the chapter-house for the Franciscan community at the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, the Pazzi Chapel.
Oh, don't you love a conspiracy tale?!?!

lunedì 3 marzo 2014

Dreaming Awake - bubbles and multiverses

I once went out with a guy who was, to me, quite odd. He had the ability to take anything I'd say and turn it insideout and upside down in a way that I myself would doubt what I had said and my own sanity.

For my own sake I am glad it didn't last long. 

I had experienced this once before, it was with my biological father. I'd think that by sharing the same genectics there would be some sort of untold phenomena that even if we wouldn't agree with each other there would be that glimpse of mutual understanding. But no, this isn't our case, and I had found someone else just like him.

For the time I was going through that ordeal I often wondered how it was possible that a person could live in my same realm and understand A for B. How could it be possible? How could nature allow it? It wasn't evil, it wasn't mental illness, it was a different way of processing information, basic information! It was so strange that I came to the only logical conclusion: there must be different dimensions to this world, and it's all happening here: simultaneously.

There are different theories about this, and I love them all. But in my experience they are not divided in space and time, we walk the same walk, but we don't talk the same talk, it is as if we are born in different bubbles, and only a few people belong to our own, and we can talk and interact with beings from other bubbles; and they can talk to us, and we all think and feel earthen, but we really are bubblers, and there's nothing we can do to understand people from other bubbles, as they are from a different dimension, therefore from a different reality. 
For that, I am sorry and confused.