giovedì 6 febbraio 2014

The Tale of a Secret by Stephen Cradock

"The story was, at least in part, the story of the reliquary. As far as I could tell, it was a very unexciting story, after the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 – but there might be parts of it that had not been recorded. There was room for story-telling. The story would have to be told to my young woman from California – Tess, I called her – Tess Grant. "

"The Grant family had sold the Reliquary many decades ago, and it was sitting safely in the museum in Edinburgh. I imagined its Guardian living close by, visited by her young relative from Southern California, and spinning her tales to fascinate..."

To know more and help fund this project, please visit our  KICKSTARTER page and pledge!

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martedì 4 febbraio 2014


This is a project I am backing on Kickstarter: great book, great story! TAKE A LOOK!

Words from the writer:

"As a story it is told through one central individual, but it contains other stories, about other characters, told by an old woman whose business it is to remember and pass on those stories. In fact, the main character of the novel might be said to be the larger story that is revealed in it. 
Much of the larger story is historical in time – it takes place in the past, right up to here and now. The human protagonist faces a choice – whether to step into the historical story, to become part of it. If she does, she becomes much more deeply connected with other times and other places."